A vulnerability is any kind of weak spot in your network that leaves you exposed to a security threat or a breach. Any unaddressed vulnerability in your IT network puts your organisation at a huge risk.
For example, failing to make important updates to your IT network leaves you vulnerable.
The risks of a vulnerability are numerous including reduced productivity, loss of data and the time and money required to rebuild the server after it has been compromised.
It’s important to plan ahead now so you can avoid huge problems in the future. Here are some key actions you can take.
Understand common attacks
Your network can come under attack in a variety of ways. On many occasions, the intruders don’t even know who they’re attacking. However, there have been cases where organisations/networks have been specifically targeted.
Understanding the different methods employed to compromise a network or a computer would give you the right perspective.
Assess your vulnerabilities
Create a complete list of potential vulnerabilities in your IT network. Pay special attention to identify any aspects you don’t know about your network.
Look out for attackers
Antivirus software is crucial but it should not be the only way you protect your organisation from security threats. Look out for uncommon traffic, brute-force attempts or CPU spikes, all of which point to malware. The ability to recognise malicious behaviour in your network early on would help you to limit the impact of an impending attack.
Identify hardware problems early on
Keep up with possible hardware problems by constantly reviewing your IT network. Get to understand how your IT systems function when they have reached their maximum capacity. Staying abreast of the network conditions allows you to plan for hardware enhancements before they become a necessity.
Invest in backup
Taking backups regularly can seem daunting. In fact, it might not even be a huge priority. However, it’s important to safeguard and track your data in case of a system/network failure.
Consider deploying a tracking service to analyse all the backup status updates that will send notifications when issues crop up.
Midas Solutions to the rescue
Midas Solutions is a leading IT support company in Cardiff with years of experience. Our IT specialists can audit and review your IT network to identify any possible issues that can be averted with a little bit of hindsight and planning.
Contact us today for a free audit. Call 0844 225 7979 now.