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19 Social Media ImagesRansomware has become one of the leading security threats today and is highly dangerous for the victims.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that will lock up the files on your computer or encrypt them so you are left without any access to them. The hackers will demand a payment in return for access to your files.

However, ransomware is not a virus. Viruses usually infect the files on your system. Ransomware, on the other hand, scramble your files so they become inaccessible until you pay up.

How does ransomware spread?

Ransomware spreads effortlessly when it comes across outdated or unpatched software.

There are a variety of strategies that attackers implement to extort money from the victims.

  • The victim might get a pop-up message or an email warning demanding money within a specific time-period, failing which the private key to decrypt files or unlock the device would be destroyed.
  • The victim is duped to believe that he is being subjected to an official inquiry. The attacker will inform the victim that illegal web content or unlicensed software was found on his computer, and provide instructions for paying a fine electronically.
  • Another method is to encrypt the files on the infected device. The attacker will then sell a product that claims to unlock the files and prevent such attacks in the future.

How to prevent ransomware?

  • Take regular backups – Be sure to regularly backup your computer. Ransomware can only affect the files that exist in your computer. When you have a backup, you can simply reset your infected machine and restore all your files from the backup. You won’t have to succumb to an attacker’s demands when you have a complete, updated backup of all your files.
  • Use antivirus – Antivirus software plays a crucial role in protecting you against any malicious programme/code that tries to mess with your computer. Be sure to update your antivirus programme to ensure you are protected from all the latest threats.
  • Regularly update your operating system – This is another important step that can help you steer clear of ransomware. Security updates are important for your system’s safety. When the software is out-of-date, it is highly vulnerable to ransomware and other kinds of attacks.

How Midas Solutions can help

We are a leading IT support service with years of experience. We can not only help you stay secure, we can also create a robust disaster recovery plan to help recover quickly. Get in touch with us today for professional IT support services in South Wales, Cardiff, Wales, Bridgend, Llanelli and Swansea.